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Don't Be A Martha

So often in life we allow our time to be consumed by to-do lists, events, and obligations. As a college student, I see this so often in the peers around me, especially now that finals are almost here. I see fellow students becoming so fixated on one single grade. I understand that it's important to do the best we can with what ever job we have been given. However, there is a fine line between wanting to do your best and making your grade/GPA/job an idol. Our first and foremost priority should always be Jesus. Without him our grades and jobs would not even be a possibility. God reveals that truth to us in the story of Mary and Martha.

You see Jesus came to Martha's home, and her sister Mary was also there. Martha became distracted by all the preparations she thought needed to be made, while Mary sat at Jesus' feet and listened. Martha became upset about this and complained to Jesus. He then responded by saying, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed–or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her." Luke 10:41-42

You see Martha thought she had to make all these preparations and do all these tasks before she could rest in God's presence. The truth is, God's presence is the first place we should go before we do anything. His presence is where we will receive all the preparation we need for the rest of the day. Martha also struggled with worrying (something I also struggle with) about her to-do list and making things perfect, when in actuality all she needed to do was sit at her Lord's feet and rest in His perfection.

The story of Mary and Martha is so applicable in the fast pace world that we live in. Society tells us that in order to be productive we need to constantly be busy and on the move. But as Christians, we have to remember that usually what the rest of the world accepts as truth is actually a lie from satan. Of course satan wants us to be busy all the distracts us from our Savior! So my challenge for all of us this week is to really take time to rest in God's presence. Not only for an hour in the morning, but for every second of every day. When we become more aware of His presence we are able to rest in it even when we are going to school or work. Let's try being more like Mary.

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