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Priorities are a part of everyone's life, and in a world where it seems like there are a million of them looming over our heads, it's hard to keep everything organized. We have to juggle school, work, social life, personal life, and somewhere in there make sure that our relationship with God is strong and stable. It's difficult.

Being a college student you learn time-management rather quickly, but most of what you learn pertains to classes and assignments. These things have to get done, or there will be a consequence. If you don't hand in your homework, you receive a 0, which results in a poor overall grade. Same goes for work. If you repeatedly are late clocking in or worse you don't even bother showing up, you most likely will get fired. This means no paycheck. But is there a consequence for not making God a priority? Yes, yes there is.

Although the consequence for failing to be in the Word everyday isn't as obvious as getting fired from your job, it's still there. It may be that you're easier to anger. The smallest things set you on a rampage. You'll start to see the joy and happiness fade from your life. Your love for others around you won't be as prevalent. These are just a few of the results that can occur from a nonexistent relationship with the Lord.

That being said, making God your #1 priority will effect all other aspects of your life. If your relationship with God is thriving, so will your relationships with other people. The love of the Lord will pour through you into others around you. It truly is like a domino effect if you keep God as #1.

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33

If you're struggling with keeping a balance in your life, pray about it. That should the first step with anything you face. Read the word, and let God talk to you. Together you'll find that balance, and every priority will have its place.

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