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Rejoice In Your Suffering

We live in a world that thrives on perfection. When things aren't going the way we had hoped or planned, we throw a fit. But maybe those trials we are going through have a purpose. Maybe all these uphill battles will bring us to our knees where we should have gone in the first place. Maybe just maybe our bad days are steering us toward the good days to come.

I know it's not enjoyable to be going through a rough season. All the bad just seems to coincidently pile on us at the same time. When our grades our slipping, our friends are leaving, our health is failing, our money is depleting, and our future is bleak, it's hard to accept the idea that our situation is going to help us. When we are in the middle of a storm, the sun seems so far away.

But God tells us in 1st Peter 4:13 "But rejoice as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed."

He then goes on to say in verse 16 "However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name."

So when we are suffering we need to take a moment and reflect. Not on all that's going wrong, but rather on what we are being taught by our circumstances. And if we are unable to see that, we need to pray to the Lord that he reveal it to us. It's a whole lot easier to get through bad times when we have God and his insight on our side.

I pray none of you are dealing with a ton of suffering. However, if you are I know this time is going to grow and strengthen you. I'll be praying that God blesses you with strength, patience, and understanding. And, I pray that as every day passes you grow with God, and his love that is in you pours out through you into the world.

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