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Hello 2017

It's the beginning of another year. This not only entails new experiences and adventures, but also the iconic "New Year's Resolutions." There tends to be a negative connotation attached to New Year's Resolutions, but I personally like the concept. I partake in this tradition, but I think of them more as goals and not as "resolutions." And no, I do not mean the millennials' #goals, that's a whole other blog post waiting to be written;)

Creating goals at the beginning of every year is a wonderful concept. But, as we all know many of those "resolutions" fall through half way into January. Now I know every situation is different, but I think a majority of those goals tend to be so vast and overwhelming, and that's why people end up quitting.

We all should have huge goals, whether they be to get into shape, or land our dream job, but the only way we are going to get there is by creating little transition goals in between. We aren't going to reach our goal in one day, at least most of us aren't. However, we can do something in one day that contributes to the end goal. That way, at the end of every day we feel accomplished instead of defeated.

The most important thing you can do with your goals is to pray about them, persistently. This doesn't mean it will be instant gratification, or that you will even get what you want, but it will teach patience and create faith that the Lord will help you accomplish your goals.

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." Matthew 7:7-8

So as we head into the 17th year of the 21st century, I encourage everyone to write down a list of goals you have for yourself this year. However, we have to remember that January doesn't have a claim on when goals can be created, we should be making them throughout the entire year. Goals are important because it gives us something to works towards, and that is something to get excited about!

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