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Jesus Is The Reason

During the month of December, there's a spirit that fills the air that no other month can compete with. Granted most of the holly jolliness occurs due to the commercialization of Christmas, but nonetheless it's hard to dispute that "it's the most wonderful time of the year."

It is very hard not to get caught up in the material things that Christmas season holds. Whether it be the peppermint mochas, gift exchanges, or ugly sweater competitions, we all partake in the fun. It's a great way to enjoy this time of year and make it special. But, that is not the most important part of why Christmas exists. Jesus is the reason for the season. "Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord." - Luke 2:11 God sent his one and only son to this earth to live a perfect life for us, so that he could die on the cross to take away our sins and rise again triumphant. Christmas is a special day every year that we can reflect upon that prophecy that came to fruition in the New Testament. It's a day where we can cherish the best gift we could ever be given.

I know that the Christmas season isn't always the best for every family. Some have lost loved ones, and some are dealing with sickness. While it may be difficult to celebrate such a family-oriented holiday under those conditions, we can remember all our pain and suffering has been washed away by a little baby boy in a manger. The emptiness we may feel from losing a loved one can be filled with Jesus' almighty grace. The pain that burdens us can be wiped away through our one and only Redeemer. That is the greatest present to open on Christmas morning.

So why is there a sense of extra happiness and joy during the month of December? As much as we'd like to think it's Starbucks' carefully crafted mochas, it's not. It's Jesus Christ. It's the amazing love that God has outpoured. But I challenge you to carry that spirit of Christmas not only in December, but throughout the entire year, because every month needs the gracious love of our Savior.

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