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Seize the Moment

As human beings living in a very instant gratification world, we are always looking to the future and what it holds. We want to finish school NOW so we can start our career, we want to get married NOW so we can start a family, but becoming so fixated on those events takes our focus off the present. We become so preoccupied with what our tomorrow's have in store for us that we don't cherish the current moment.

Every day we have on this earth is a gift. Tomorrow is never a guarantee. While some days may have more stress, more projects, and more conflicts than others, they are still a present given to us from God.

The verse written above is not a direct translation from the NIV bible, more so an applicable version of the original verse. You see, Esther was being used by God as a way of deliverance for his people. Mordecai had sent word to her saying, "Do not think that because you are in the king's house you alone of all the Jews will escape. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?"

So think about those words and apply them to our lives. Are we living each day as mindless robots, routinely doing our tasks without recognizing the meaning behind them? Do we forget to really think about our purpose? Sadly, I think the answer for those questions the majority of the time is yes.

Instead of having the worries of our future consume our time of grace, we should start digging for the purpose in what we do. Sometime's it is hard to find, but through time, adamant prayer, and serious investigation it will make itself known.

We should start everyday with the mindset that we are going to make a positive impact on someone. Whether it be to simply hold open the door for someone, or honestly thanking a store worker for all they do, we can have purpose. I truly believe that we all have the potential to impact the people around us, and it us up to us to decide if that be good or bad.

We all can infuse the lives of others with God's almighty word. Regardless of our vocation in life, being a light to the people we encounter is something God wants us to do. He clearly states, "Go and make disciples of all nations." - Matthew 28:19. That command encompasses all believers, not just those who work within the church.

So yes, perhaps THIS is the moment for which YOU have been created. Seize that moment and make it your own.

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