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God Will Carry You

With final exam season almost in full swing, stress and anxiety seem to be at an all time high. Students are pulling all-nighters to get that last bit of studying in while infusing their veins with caffeine to compensate for their lack of sleep. Self-pity and complaints about the difficulties of exams are strewn over every social media website in existence. As a student you start to wonder what the point is in all of this, and as an outsider looking in you scoff and think that they haven't even seen the half of it.

So, what is the point? How can we climb the mountains of anxiety and stress that are looming before us? These mountains in our lives can be anything...exams, money troubles, relationship issues, health problems. All of them cause us stress, all of them create a seed of doubt in our minds. This doubt causes us to believe that we can't make it through this hard time. We start to think that this is the end, we can and will never be happy again. That my friends is simply not true.

As sinful human beings there will always be difficult obstacles that we have to overcome. But, we have to remember that "if God brings us to it, He'll bring us through it." Meaning that God will NEVER give us more than we can handle. At times it may seem like we are incapable of pushing through a rough season, but that is the Lord crying out to you to ask Him for help. Yes, we CANNOT make it through these mountains of anxiety and stress....alone. God wants us to pray for His guidance, to ask that he carry us through the situation. That is the only way we can make it out.

There is a verse in Philippians that goes like this, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

When we find ourselves in situations that are causing us stress, anxiety, or worry we need to hand it all over to God. He is waiting for it with open arms.

So what is the point? Every stressful situation we face is preparing us for a future season of anxiety. The more we learn to depend on the Lord during these times, the easier it will be to push through. So whether you're stressing about your health, or even finals week remember that God's got you. He will carry you, and together you will make it out on the other side.

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