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Nobody Is Perfect

Today at church the pastor brought up this verse. While I'm sure in my readings of the bible I have read this before, it hit home for the first time.

I know I personally can be judgmental, and I'm sure it's something that many of us struggle with. When we see someone with a visible sin, whether it be pregnancy out of marriage or someone openly doing drugs we are quick to condemn that person. We will look them up and down and whisper to our friend what an atrocity it is that they have the audacity to show themselves in public. But what we forget to remember that no sin is greater than another. God views all sins equally. There is no division in God's eyes between a white lie and committing murder because they both break the commands He put in place for us.

Once we break down the barrier that separates us from the people we think we are better than, we can create a bridge that connects us to all people. We, the people who know of God's salvation and who are God's beloved children, can help the 16 year old who got pregnant. We can guide the 20 year old who's addicted to doing drugs to recovery. We can do it all through Christ. No longer should we scoff at those who are blatantly breaking the law of God, because guess what? WE DO TOO!

If you know anything about Jesus' life you know that he could always be found among the broken and hurt. We need to do the same thing. And as a church we need to be more open about our personal struggles so we can lift each other up. That's how God wanted it to be. God wants the people of the church to lean on each other in good times and bad. He wants us to be honest about our situations and not put on this facade that everything is hunky-dory 100% of the time. If we start doing that not only will we as a church start growing, but also everyone's personal faith will start growing as well.

BUT, we also have to remember (as the verse clearly states) that while helping the broken and downtrodden that we aren't tempted. The worst thing that could happen while trying to lift someone else up is instead to fall with them. In all of this we need to be praying for the Lord's strength, and that He guide us in our every step.

So, next time you see someone who you deem less "perfect" than you: FIRST, realize you are far from perfect, SECOND, remember you are saved not by anything you have done but by Jesus, and THIRD, not only has Jesus saved you but also He has saved that person you're scoffing at. Go up to that person, witness to that person, pray for that person, because he/she is your brother/sister in CHRIST. And one day we can hope to see them in heaven with us.

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